It's like a temporary insanity of some sort. Perhaps even... a disease that spreads. It takes over your mind, emotions, and heart - which in turn controls everything you do. It's like a slavery at its extremes. It has warped my mind and changed me completely. I use to have no patience... I use to not put up with anyones shit. Now, my tolerance is that of a simple minded gold fish with a 3 second memory lapse and a heart of gold. That's what I am, a fucking gold fish. I've gained the biggest tolerance... Give all, expect nothing in return. I've learned that's the only way to win in the end. Oh, and forget the game... because loving someone means a genuine sacrifice of everything - even the games. No more winning and losing anymore, which is what I've based my life on. This is all so new for me. I've learned when you don't expect anything in return, you will never be disappointed. Vulnerability is a gift, and it can be rejected like any thing else, and when it is... you meet weakness. Weakness is a lonely sense of vulnerability. If I'm anything, I'm genuine. For wrong or right, these words are true. I fucking love you... and for once I know what's it's like to give someone all of me.

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